Source code for hexformat.multipartbuffer

""" Provide class to handle a data buffer with multiple disconnected parts.


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    Copyright (c) 2015-2023 by Martin Scharrer <>

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import as collections
import copy

from hexformat.fillpattern import FillPattern, int_to_bytes


[docs]def ensurebuffer(buforint): if isinstance(buforint, bytearray): return buforint elif isinstance(buforint, collections.Sequence): return bytearray(buforint) else: return bytearray((buforint,))
[docs]class MultiPartBuffer(object): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """Class to handle disconnected binary data. Each segment (simply called "part") is identified by its starting address and its content (a Buffer instance). Attributes: _STANDARD_FORMAT (str): The standard format used by :meth:`.fromfh` and :meth:`.fromfile` if no format was given. _padding (int, iterable or FillPattern): Standard fill pattern. """ _STANDARD_FORMAT = 'bin' _padding = 0xFF def __init__(self): super(MultiPartBuffer, self).__init__() self._parts = list() def __repr__(self): """Print representation including class name, id, number of parts, range and used size.""" start, totalsize = self.range() return "<{:s} at 0x{:X}: {:d} parts in range 0x{:X} + 0x{:X}; used 0x{:X}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, id(self), len(self._parts), start, totalsize, self.usedsize()) # noinspection PyProtectedMember def __eq__(self, other): """Compare with other instance for equality.""" return self._parts == other._parts def _create(self, beforeindex, address, data=list()): """Create new buffer before index or at end if index is None. Args: beforeindex (int): The data will be inserted before this index. address (int): Address of first byte in data buffer. data (Buffer): Data to be stored. """ buffer = bytearray(data) if beforeindex is None: self._parts.append([address, buffer]) else: self._parts.insert(beforeindex, [address, buffer]) def _find(self, address, size, create=True): """Find buffer corresponding to data block given by address and size. Args: address (int): Starting address of data block. size (int): Size of data block. create (bool): If True a new (empty) buffer is created if no suitable one already exists. Returns: Tuple (buffer index, mod). The meaning of <mod> is 0: MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND: Buffer of given index contains at least part of the given range. Always returned if create=True. 1: MOD_NO_BUFFER_FOUND_NEXT_HIGHER_USED: No buffer containing the given range found. Index states next buffer with an higher address. -1: MOD_BEYOND_END_LAST_BUFFER_USED: Address lies after all buffers. Index states last buffer before address. """ dataend = address + size for index, part in enumerate(self._parts): bufstart, buffer = part bufend = bufstart + len(buffer) if address < bufstart: if dataend < bufstart: if create: self._create(index, address) return index, MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND else: return index, MOD_NO_BUFFER_FOUND_NEXT_HIGHER_USED else: return index, MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND elif address <= bufend: return index, MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND # If this line is reached no matching buffer was found and address lies after all buffers index = (len(self._parts) - 1) if create: self._create(None, address) index += 1 return index, MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND else: return index, MOD_BEYOND_END_LAST_BUFFER_USED def _insert(self, index, newdata, datasize, dataoffset): """Insert new data at begin of existing buffer. Reduce starting address of buffer accordantly. Args: index (int): Index of buffer. newdata (Buffer): Data buffer with new data to be inserted. datasize (int): Size of data be added. Can be smaller than data buffer size if not all content should be inserted. dataoffset (int): Starting read offset of newdata. """ if dataoffset == 0 and datasize == len(newdata): data = newdata else: data = newdata[dataoffset:dataoffset + datasize] self._parts[index][1] = bytearray(data) + self._parts[index][1] self._parts[index][0] -= datasize # adjust address def _set(self, index, address, newdata, datasize, dataoffset): """Store new data in given buffer at given address. New data is read from given offset for the given size. Args: index (int): Index of buffer where data will be stored. address (int): Address of first data byte. newdata (Buffer): Data buffer with new data. datasize (int): Size of data. Can be smaller than data buffer size if not all content should be inserted. dataoffset (int): Starting read offset of newdata. """ bufferstart = self._parts[index][0] bufferoffset = address - bufferstart self._parts[index][1][bufferoffset:bufferoffset + datasize] = newdata[dataoffset:dataoffset + datasize] def _extend(self, index, newdata, datasize, dataoffset): """Extend given buffer with the new data. Args: index (int): Index of buffer where data will be appended. newdata (Buffer): Data buffer with new data. datasize (int): Size of data. Can be smaller than data buffer size if not all content should be inserted. dataoffset (int): Starting read offset of newdata. """ if dataoffset == 0 and datasize == len(newdata): data = newdata else: data = newdata[dataoffset:dataoffset + datasize] self._parts[index][1].extend(data) def _merge(self, index): """Merge the given buffer with the next following one. Args: index (int): Index of first buffer which will be merged with the next buffer. """ nextpart = self._parts.pop(index + 1) self._parts[index][1].extend(nextpart[1])
[docs] def setint(self, address, intvalue, datasize, byteorder='big', signed=False, overwrite=True): """Set integer value at given address.""" databytes = int_to_bytes(intvalue, datasize, byteorder, signed=signed) return self.set(address, databytes, datasize, 0, overwrite)
[docs] def set(self, address, newdata, datasize=None, dataoffset=0, overwrite=True): """Add <newdata> starting at <address>. The data size can be given explicitly, otherwise it is taken as len(newdata). Additionally a data offset can be specified to read the data starting from this index from <newdata>. """ if datasize is None: datasize = len(newdata) - dataoffset if datasize == 0: return self (index, mod) = self._find(address, datasize, create=True) endaddress = address + datasize bufferstart, buffer = self._parts[index] bufferend = bufferstart + len(buffer) # Insert left overlapping data if address < bufferstart: before = bufferstart - address self._insert(index, newdata, before, dataoffset) # Adjust values for remaining data datasize -= before dataoffset += before address += before # Overwrite existing data if datasize > 0: size = min(datasize, bufferend - address) if overwrite: self._set(index, address, newdata, size, dataoffset) datasize -= size dataoffset += size address += size # Insert right overlapping data if endaddress > bufferend: nextindex = index + 1 nextbufferstart = None if nextindex < len(self._parts): nextbufferstart = self._parts[nextindex][0] # Check if data does not reach into next buffer if nextbufferstart is None or nextbufferstart > endaddress: after = endaddress - bufferend self._extend(index, newdata, after, dataoffset) else: gap = nextbufferstart - bufferend self._extend(index, newdata, gap, dataoffset) datasize -= gap dataoffset += gap address += gap self._merge(index) self.set(address, newdata, datasize, dataoffset, overwrite) return self
[docs] def crop(self, address, size=None): """Crop content to range <address>+<size> by deleting all other content.""" address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) start, totalsize = self.range() end = start + totalsize self.delete(start, address - start) self.delete(address + size, end - address) return self
[docs] def extract(self, address, size=None, keep=True): """Extract given range and return it as new instance. Gaps in the range are preserved. The <keep> argument controls if the range is kept in the original instance or deleted. """ new = self.copy() new.crop(address, size) if not keep: self.delete(address, size) return new
[docs] def includesgaps(self, address=None, size=None): address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) (index, mod) = self._find(address, size, False) if mod == MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND: (start, data) = self._parts[index] end = start + len(data) if (address < start) or (end < (address + size)): return True return False else: if len(self._parts) == 0 and address == 0 and size == 0: return False return True
[docs] def offset(self, offset): """Add an offset to all addresses. A ValueError is raised if offset < -start, as this would lead to negative addresses. If offset is None, the negative start address is used, i.e. the first byte is moved to address 0. """ start = self.start() if offset is None: offset = -start else: offset = int(offset) if offset < -start: raise ValueError("offset < -start") for part in self._parts: part[0] += offset return self
[docs] def relocate(self, newaddress, address=None, size=None, overwrite=True): """Relocate given range to new address. If address is None the start address is used. If size is None the remaining size from address to the endaddress is used. The <overwrite> argument determines if existing data in the new range is overwritten or if the overlapping bytes of the relocated data are discarded. """ newaddress = int(newaddress) address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) start, totalsize = self.range() if address == start and size == totalsize: self.offset(newaddress - address) else: data = self.get(address, size) self.delete(address, size) self.set(newaddress, data, overwrite=overwrite) return self
def __getitem__(self, n): try: return self.get(int(n), 1)[0] except TypeError: if n.step is not None: raise IndexError("Slice step not supported") # _checkaddrnsize is used here while n.stop is not the size but the end address. # However, if None the correct size is returned and if not the value is adjusted later address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(n.start, n.stop) if n.stop is not None: size -= address return self.get(address, size)
[docs] def delete(self, address, size=None): """Deletes <size> bytes starting from <address>. Does nothing if <size> is non-positive.""" address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) while size > 0: (index, mod) = self._find(address, size, create=True) bufferstart, buffer = self._parts[index] buffersize = len(buffer) if address < bufferstart: size -= bufferstart - address address = bufferstart leading = address - bufferstart trailing = bufferstart + buffersize - address - size trailaddress = address + size if trailing > 0: if leading > 0: self._parts[index][1] = buffer[0:leading] self._create(index + 1, trailaddress, buffer[buffersize - trailing:buffersize]) else: self._parts[index][1] = buffer[buffersize - trailing:buffersize] self._parts[index][0] = trailaddress break else: nextbufferstart = None if index < len(self._parts) - 1: nextbufferstart = self._parts[index + 1][0] if leading > 0: self._parts[index][1] = buffer[0:leading] else: self._parts.pop(index) # index now points to NEXT part if nextbufferstart is None: break size = -trailing address = bufferstart + buffersize gap = nextbufferstart - address address += gap size -= gap return self
def _filler(self, size, fillpattern): """Generate buffer with given fillpattern and size.""" size = int(size) if isinstance(fillpattern, BaseException) or ( type(fillpattern) == type and issubclass(fillpattern, BaseException)): raise fillpattern if fillpattern is None: fillpattern = self._padding fillpattern = FillPattern.frompattern(fillpattern) return bytearray(fillpattern[0:size]) def _checkaddrnsize(self, address, size): """Helper method: Ensure proper address and size values. If address is None the starting address of the instance is substituted. Also if size is None the remaining size to the end of the last buffer is substituted. """ if address is None or size is None: start, totalsize = self.range() if address is None: address = start if size is None: size = start + totalsize - address return address, size
[docs] def fill(self, address=None, size=None, fillpattern=None, overwrite=False): """Fill with <fillpattern> from <address> for <size> bytes. Filling pattern can be a single byte (0..255) or list-like object. If <overwrite> is False (default) then only gaps are filled. If <address> is None the first existing address is used. If <size> is None the remaining size is used. """ address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) self.set(address, self._filler(size, fillpattern), size, 0, overwrite) return self
[docs] def unfill(self, address=None, size=None, unfillpattern=None, mingapsize=16, unfillboundaries=True): """Removes <unfillpattern> and leaves a gap, as long a resulting new gap would be least <mingapsize> large.""" if len(self._parts) == 0: return self if unfillpattern is None: unfillpattern = self._padding if isinstance(unfillpattern, int): unfillpattern = [unfillpattern, ] unfillpattern = bytearray(unfillpattern) ufvlen = len(unfillpattern) address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) (index, mod) = self._find(address, size, create=False) if mod != MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND: return self uflist = list() while index < len(self._parts) and size > 0: bufferstart, buffer = self._parts[index] buffersize = len(buffer) startpos = address - bufferstart if startpos < 0: size += startpos startpos = 0 maxpos = min(startpos + size, buffersize) pos = startpos try: while pos < maxpos: delstartpos = buffer.index(unfillpattern, pos, maxpos) pos = delstartpos + ufvlen while buffer.startswith(unfillpattern, pos, maxpos): pos += ufvlen ufsize = pos - delstartpos # always delete at part boundaries if ufsize >= mingapsize or (unfillboundaries and (pos == buffersize or delstartpos == startpos)): uflist.append((bufferstart + delstartpos, ufsize)) except ValueError: pass index += 1 size -= maxpos address += buffersize for deladdr, delsize in uflist: self.delete(deladdr, delsize) return self
[docs] def get(self, address, size, fillpattern=None): """ Get <size> bytes from <address>. Fill missing bytes with <fillpattern>. Where <fillpattern> can be: 1. A byte-sized integer, i.e. in range 0..255. 2. A list-like object which has all of the following properties: - can be converted to a list of bytes - is indexable - should be multipliable 3. A type which produces a list-like object as mentioned in 2) if instanciated with no argument or with the requested size as only argument. 4. An exception class or instance. If given then no filling is performed but the exception is raised if filling would be required. """ address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) (index, mod) = self._find(address, size, create=False) endaddress = address + size retbuffer = bytearray() if mod != 0: return self._filler(size, fillpattern) else: bufferstart, buffer = self._parts[index] bufferend = bufferstart + len(buffer) if address < bufferstart: before = bufferstart - address retbuffer = self._filler(before, fillpattern) size -= before address += before pos = address - bufferstart insize = min(size, bufferend - pos) if insize > 0: if len(retbuffer) > 0: retbuffer.extend(buffer[pos: pos + insize]) else: retbuffer = buffer[pos: pos + insize] size -= insize address += insize if endaddress > bufferend: nextindex = index + 1 nextbufferstart = None if nextindex < len(self._parts): nextbufferstart = self._parts[nextindex][0] # Check if data does not reach into next buffer if nextbufferstart is None or nextbufferstart > endaddress: after = endaddress - bufferend retbuffer.extend(self._filler(after, fillpattern)) else: gap = nextbufferstart - bufferend retbuffer.extend(self._filler(gap, fillpattern)) size -= gap address += gap retbuffer.extend(self.get(address, size, fillpattern)) return retbuffer
[docs] def range(self): """Get range of content as (start address, size) tuple. The range may contain unfilled gaps. An empty buffer with return (0, 0). """ if len(self._parts) == 0: return 0, 0 else: start = self._parts[0][0] lastaddress, buffer = self._parts[-1] totalsize = lastaddress + len(buffer) - start return start, totalsize
[docs] def start(self): """Get start address. An empty buffer with return 0.""" if len(self._parts) == 0: return 0 else: return self._parts[0][0]
[docs] def end(self): """Get end address, i.e. the address one after the very last byte of data. An empty buffer will return 0. """ (start, totalsize) = self.range() return start + totalsize
[docs] def usedsize(self): """Returns used data size, i.e. without the size of any gaps""" return sum([len(buffer) for addr, buffer in self._parts])
[docs] def parts(self): """Return a list with (address,length) tuples for all parts.""" return [(start, len(data)) for start, data in self._parts]
[docs] def gaps(self): """Return a list with (address,length) tuples for all gaps between the existing parts.""" gaplist = list() for n in range(0, len(self._parts) - 1): address, buffer = self._parts[n] nextaddress = self._parts[n + 1][0] endaddress = address + len(buffer) gap = nextaddress - endaddress gaplist.append([endaddress, gap]) return gaplist
[docs] def hasdata(self, address=None, size=None): """Returns True if there is data in area (address, size).""" address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) index, mod = self._find(address, size, create=False) # Check if there is a suitable buffer if mod != MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND: # No data if not return False # Otherwise the given address might be just at the end of the buffer. # It hasdata only if the address is really inside the buffer span, not at the very end. adr, data = self._parts[index] return address < adr + len(data)
[docs] def blockfilter(self, blocksize, filterfunc, address=None, size=None, skipempty=False): """Execute op(address, blocksize) for each block of <blocksize>.""" address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) try: blocksize = int(blocksize) assert blocksize > 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError endaddress = address + size # Align startaddress to blocksize startaddress = int(address / blocksize) * blocksize for addr in range(startaddress, endaddress, blocksize): if not skipempty or self.hasdata(addr, blocksize): filterfunc(self, addr, blocksize) return self
[docs] def blockfill(self, blocksize, address=None, size=None, fillpattern=None, overwrite=False): """Fill with <fillpattern> blockwise with given <blocksize>. Skipping empty blocks.""" def doblockfill(inst, _address, _size): inst.fill(_address, _size, fillpattern, overwrite) return self.blockfilter(blocksize, doblockfill, address, size, skipempty=True)
[docs] def blockunfill(self, blocksize, address=None, size=None, unfillpattern=None, mingapsize=None, unfillboundaries=False): """Unfill with <unfillpattern> blockwise with given <blocksize>.""" if mingapsize is None: mingapsize = blocksize def doblockunfill(inst, _address, _size): inst.unfill(_address, _size, unfillpattern, mingapsize, unfillboundaries) return self.blockfilter(blocksize, doblockunfill, address, size, skipempty=True)
[docs] def fillgaps(self, fillpattern=None): """Fill all gaps with given fillpattern.""" for address, size in self.gaps(): self.fill(address, size, fillpattern) return self
[docs] def fillfront(self, startaddress=0, fillpattern=None): """Fill the data range in front starting from the given address (0 by default) to the beginning of the buffer. """ if len(self._parts) > 0: endaddress = self._parts[0][0] size = endaddress - startaddress if size > 0: self.fill(startaddress, size, fillpattern) return self
[docs] def fillend(self, endaddress, fillpattern=None): """Fill the data range after the buffer up to the given address. """ (startaddress, totalsize) = self.range() startaddress += totalsize size = endaddress - startaddress if size > 0: self.fill(startaddress, size, fillpattern) return self
[docs] def tobinfile(self, filename, address=None, size=None, fillpattern=None): """ """ with open(filename, "wb") as fh: return self.tobinfh(fh, address, size, fillpattern)
[docs] def tobinfh(self, fh, address=None, size=None, fillpattern=None): """ """ start, esize = self.range() if address is not None: if address < 0: address = 0 endaddress = start + esize esize = endaddress - address start = address if esize < 0: esize = 0 if size is None: size = esize fh.write(self.get(start, size, fillpattern)) return self
[docs] def todict(self): """Return a dictionary with a numeric key for all used bytes like intelhex.IntelHex does it.""" d = {addr: byte for address, buffer in self._parts for addr, byte in enumerate(buffer, address)} return d
[docs] def loaddict(self, d, overwrite=True): """Load data from dictionary where each key must be numeric and represent an address and the corresponding \ value the byte value.""" for addr, byte in d.items(): self.set(addr, (byte,), 1, overwrite=overwrite) return self
def __iadd__(self, other): """Add content of other instance to itself, overwriting existing data if parts overlap. Args: other (MultiPartBuffer, dict or iterable): Second summand. If a dict then the keys must be address and the values a buffer. If an iterable it must yield (address, data) combinations. """ return self.add(other, True) def __add__(self, other): """Add two instances together and return the sum as new instance. Args: other (MultiPartBuffer, dict or iterable): Second summand. If a dict then the keys must be address and the values a buffer. If an iterable it must yield (address, data) combinations. Returns: New instance with the data of both sources combined. Overlapping parts will be set to the data of the second summand. """ newinst = self.copy() newinst.__iadd__(other) return newinst def __ior__(self, other): """Add content of other instance to itself, keeping existing data if parts overlap. Args: other (MultiPartBuffer, dict or iterable): Second summand. If a dict then the keys must be address and the values a buffer. If an iterable it must yield (address, data) combinations. """ return self.add(other, False) def __or__(self, other): inst = self.copy() return inst.add(other, False)
[docs] def add(self, other, overwrite=True): """Add content of other instance to itself, overwriting or keeping existing data if parts overlap. Args: other (MultiPartBuffer, dict or iterable): Second summand. If a dict then the keys must be address and the values a buffer. If an iterable it must yield (address, data) combinations. overwrite (bool): If True existing data will be overwritten if parts overlap. """ if isinstance(other, MultiPartBuffer): source = other._parts elif isinstance(other, dict): source = iter(other.items()) else: source = other try: for address, buffer in source: self.set(address, ensurebuffer(buffer), overwrite=overwrite) except Exception as e: raise TypeError(e) return self
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a deep copy of the instance.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def filter(self, filterfunc, address=None, size=None, fillpattern=None): """Call filterfunc(bufferaddr, buffer, bufferstartindex, buffersize) on all parts matching <address> and <size>. If <address> is None the first existing address is used. If <size> is None the remaining size is used. If fillpattern is NOT None the given range is filled and the filter function will be called with the resulting single part. """ address, size = self._checkaddrnsize(address, size) if size <= 0: # don't filter over a non-positive range return self if fillpattern is not None: self.fill(address, size, fillpattern) (startindex, mod1) = self._find(address, size, create=False) if mod1 != MOD_USABLE_BUFFER_FOUND: # range not included (was not filled) return self endaddress = address + size (lastindex, mod2) = self._find(endaddress - 1, 0, create=False) if mod2 == MOD_NO_BUFFER_FOUND_NEXT_HIGHER_USED: lastindex -= 1 for bufferaddr, buffer in self._parts[startindex:lastindex + 1]: bufferstartindex = max(address - bufferaddr, 0) bufferendindex = min(len(buffer), endaddress - bufferaddr) filterfunc(bufferaddr, buffer, bufferstartindex, bufferendindex) return self
[docs] @classmethod def fromfile(cls, filename, fformat=None, *args, **kvargs): """ """ if fformat is None: fformat = cls._STANDARD_FORMAT methodname = "from" + fformat.lower() + "file" if hasattr(cls, methodname): return getattr(cls, methodname)(filename, *args, **kvargs) else: with open(filename, "r") as fh: return cls.fromfh(fh, *args, fformat=fformat, **kvargs)
[docs] def loadfile(self, filename, fformat=None, *args, **kvargs): """ """ with open(filename, "rb") as fh: return self.loadfh(fh, fformat, *args, **kvargs)
[docs] def tofile(self, filename, fformat=None, *args, **kvargs): """ """ opt = "w" if fformat == "bin" or (fformat is None and self._STANDARD_FORMAT == "bin"): opt = "wb" with open(filename, opt) as fh: self.tofh(fh, *args, fformat=fformat, **kvargs) return self
[docs] def tofh(self, fh, fformat=None, *args, **kvargs): """ """ if fformat is None: fformat = self._STANDARD_FORMAT methodname = "to" + fformat.lower() + "fh" if hasattr(self, methodname): getattr(self, methodname)(fh, *args, **kvargs) else: raise ValueError return self
[docs] def loadfh(self, fh, fformat=None, *args, **kvargs): """ """ if fformat is None: fformat = self._STANDARD_FORMAT methodname = "load" + fformat.lower() + "fh" if hasattr(self, methodname): getattr(self, methodname)(fh, *args, **kvargs) else: raise ValueError return self
[docs] @classmethod def fromfh(cls, fh, fformat=None, *args, **kvargs): """ """ if fformat is None: fformat = cls._STANDARD_FORMAT methodname = "load" + fformat.lower() + "fh" self = cls() if hasattr(self, methodname): getattr(self, methodname)(fh, *args, **kvargs) else: raise ValueError return self
[docs] @classmethod def frombinfile(cls, filename, address=0, size=-1, offset=0): """ """ with open(filename, "rb") as fh: return cls.frombinfh(fh, address, size, offset)
[docs] @classmethod def frombinfh(cls, fh, address=0, size=-1, offset=0): """ """ self = cls() self.loadbinfh(fh, address, size, offset) return self
[docs] def loadbinfh(self, fh, address=0, size=-1, offset=0): """ """ if offset != 0:, (offset < 0) and 2 or 0) buffer = bytearray( self.set(address, buffer) return self
[docs] def loadbinfile(self, filename, address=0, size=-1, offset=0): """ """ with open(filename, "rb") as fh: return self.loadbinfh(fh, address, size, offset)